Reklam|25-49 MKr
stockholm@mcsaatchi.com https://www.mcsaatchi.se
M&C Saatchi Stockholm is a creative agency that connects specialist expertise, fueled by data and technology, to help clients navigate, create, and lead meaningful change.
Med konceptet “Obegränsad” visar vi hur Tele2 – med hjälp av sina tjänster och produkter – kan göra både människor och företag mer obegränsade. I den här kampanjen dramatiserar vi det genom två bröder som tack vare Tele2s högkvalitativa mobilabonnemang kan umgås obehindrat med varandra trots att de befinner sig på olika platser på jorden – den ena i Sverige och den andra i Tokyo.
RFSU och Funktionsrätt Sverige ville lyfta fram att en funktionsnedsättning eller en kronisk sjukdom inte är ett hinder för ett härligt sexliv. Så vi bestämde oss för att visa verkligheten precis som den är. Genom att visa att dessa personer är precis lika vackra, kåta och sexiga som alla andra. Genom att visa att – Lusten ser inga hinder.
Zound Industries och adidas Headphones hade tagit fram de ultimata hörlurarna för löpare. Vi lanserade dem genom den ultimata direktkampanjen för löpare. Först byggde vi bärbara utomhusskyltar, sen satte dem på ryggen på proffslöpare och lät dem springa i de mest populära löpspåren. På ”The Running Billboards” fanns ett budskap – om du kunde hålla jämna steg och skanna koden på skylten fick du 50 % rabatt på hörlurarna.
It’s the only certain thing in life. Change affects us all – companies, brands, organizations, and consumers alike. And while change is sometimes a choice, it is often a necessity. But whatever form it takes, change is always an opportunity. The chance to make things better. To do things better. When it’s done right, change creates real value. And not only commercial value but genuine, relevant meaning for people and the society we share. Our ambition is not small, incremental improvements; rather dramatic, measurable, and positive change. Not only by creating multi-media campaigns, breathing life into brands, and changing consumer behavior, but also by the impact our work has on culture itself.
It is easier to complicate than to simplify. Simple messages enter the brain quicker and stay there longer. In a fast-paced world where people are increasingly distracted, we need brutal simplicity to cut through with our messaging and to stay longer in people’s consciousness. Brutal Simplicity of Thought is a painful necessity and at the heart of everything we do; from strategic thinking to creative work, from how we are structured to the systems we use.
We have a clear and articulated philosophy and ambition for how we work and think, which is entrenched in a code of openness, respect, and tolerance. Above all else, our values reflect the most important thing we have – our people and our open, inclusive, and optimistic culture. We believe diversity enriches us, and that we should strive to build our team after this ideal. Therefore, we focus on working for an open, sustainable society that does not relent to generalization, stereotyping or sexism.
M&C Saatchi takes an active approach to the environment and offsets double the agency’s carbon footprint (35 tons per year) through projects that meet the stringent requirements of the Quality Assurance Standard (QAS) and BSI’s PAS 2060 specification on carbon neutrality.
Behind every good ‘what’ is a great ‘how’. And behind every successful brand, is an even better strategy. Starting with purpose and proposition we pave the way for new opportunities across product, service, and experience to deliver meaningful change, value for businesses and brands… And the unimaginable.
We know that you must move quickly to keep up with the times and trends of social media. We don’t just start conversations; we keep them going. Keep them relevant. Keep them interesting. We create strategies and opportunities for our audience to interact with brands through those they know love and listen to. Making meaningful connections that shape and spread culture, win hearts and minds, and strengthen our brands.
We believe in a human approach to digital marketing – after all, we exist to connect brands to people. When things feel complex, we work hard to keep it simple. And when it comes to ideas, we get under the skin of the problem before we ever put pencil to paper to find the answer. That’s how everything we touch turns into measurable results, time and time again.
Our obsession with behavioral theory means we think beyond motivating people to do, but to feel. It’s how our brand platforms last longer than a line. Live longer than a campaign. Become part of life. We know that getting to the heart of what makes our audiences tick, smile, move, eat, dance, believe (and then buy), means deeper brand/customer connections for the long haul.
Our goal is to create a workspace that is open and inclusive — where ideas flow freely, differences are celebrated, spirited debates are welcome, big swings are always taken, and the lives we live outside of M&C Saatchi leave a mark on the work we do.
If this is you, give us a shout at jobba@mcsaatchi.com